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江苏苏新轴座有限公司-最新招聘信息 已有 78228 人关注

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公司地图: 武进区雪堰镇漕桥工业集中区  江苏苏新轴座有限公司



江苏苏新轴座有限公司是苏新集团下属的一家生产外球面轴承和轴承座的专业厂,位于著名的苏锡常经济区。沪宁高速、常州机场距工厂都在 20 公里 左右,锡宜高速漕桥出入口距工厂 500 米 ,交通十分便利。工厂占地面积 10 万平方米,建筑面积 7 万平方米 ,员工 1000 多人,技术人员 100 余人。带座轴承年生产能力达 800 万套,产品主要有灰铁铸造座、球铁铸造座、不锈钢铸造座,工程塑料座,冲压轴承座以及 UC 、 HC 、 SER 、 SA 、 SB 、 SC 、 UK 等各类铬钢和不锈钢外球面轴承。此外还生产链轮、导轮、法兰等传动件。 

我厂产品性能稳定,质量可靠,规格齐全,生产设备先进。目前拥有自动沙处理造型流水线一条,造型面积一万多平方米,年生产铸件 2 万吨。金加工主要工序采用专机和微机控制,机加工设备有外球面镗床 14 台,数控车床 40 余台,各种专用磨床 60 多台,其他设备 300 多台套,理化检测设备齐全,产品研发和质控能力在同行业中遥遥领先。产品有 200 系列和 300 系列、 X00 系列等,产量居全国第一,畅销于美洲、欧洲等地,深受用户欢迎。

我厂具有进出口经营权。工厂长期以来建立了完整的质量体系,企业按照 ISO9001 质量体系标准组织生产。苏新集团采用多角化经营战略,目前还拥有苏新传动件有限公司、苏新柴油机配件厂,苏新大酒店等三家经济实体。


SuXin Factory is a special one that makes various bearing & housings, which belongs to SuXin Group. And it lies in the famous Su-Xin_chang Economic Ares. The factory has good transport facilities. It is 20 kilometers to both HuNing High Way And Changzhou Airport, and is only 500meters from the CaoQiao entry of XiYi High Way . The factory's area is ******square meters, and the building area is 7000 square meters, There are over 1000 workers and more than 100 technicians working in the factory. Now, SuXin has the ability of producing 8 millions units every year. The brief productions are grey iron casting housings, ductile ones, stainless iron ones, engineering plastics ones, pressed housings and UC, HC, SER, SA, SB, SC, UK bearing, In addition, it produces transmission parts such as casting rolling wheel, guide wheel, flange, and so on and so forth.

With advanced manufacturing facilities, our products have stable reliable properties, and their sizes are complete. Now, the factory owns an automatic sand treatment moulding assembly line more than ****** square meters moulding area, and can produce about ****** ton of casting. The main stages of metal processing are under the control special machines and computers. There are 14 out spherical boring machines, 40 numerically controlled lathes, more than 60 special purpose grinders of all types, and 300 sets of other equipments. The factory has complete equipments for physico-chemical examinations. And we are far ahead in new products development and quality control among the trades. The product covers 200,300,and X00 series and so on, and the output is the first in china. They sold well in many continents such as America and European.

The factory has the right to engage in import and export trade. In the past years, it has setup an integrated quality control system, and organizes its producing under the standard of ISO9001 Quality System. Now SuXin Group holds a polygonal management strategy, and it possesses SuXin Transmission Co. ,Ltd. SuXin Diesel Motor Parts Factory, and SuXin Hotel.

We welcome people from all walks of life to give some guidance, and create a great cause together!


职位名称 工作地区 学历要求 工作经验 性别 招聘人数 薪资待遇 更新日期  
电焊工 常州市 不限 3-5 年 不限   2 面议 2019-04-10   展开
车间主任 常州市 不限 3-5 年 不限   2 面议 2019-04-10   展开
技术人员 常州市 不限 3-5 年 不限   5 面议 2019-04-10   展开
铸造车间主任 常州市 不限 5年以上 不限   2 面议 2019-04-10   展开
铸造工程师 常州市 大专及以上 3年以上 不限   2 面议 2019-04-10   展开