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嘉兴市圣路易斯洁具有限公司 查看企业评价

公司规模: 100 - 499人

公司性质: 私营企业

所属行业: 洁具制造企业

所在地区: 浙江-嘉兴市-平湖市

公司地图: 嘉兴市平湖市(中国)洁具科技城288号  嘉兴市圣路易斯洁具有限公司



嘉兴市圣路易斯洁具有限公司前身是平湖市明珠洁具厂,成立于1994年,占地面积******平方米。2010年企业新征生产用土地******平方米,建筑面积******平方米,总投资3000万元人民币。项目用于生产各种高中档整体淋浴房、桑拿房、简易淋浴房、冲浪按摩浴缸、普通浴缸、不锈钢浴室柜,年产各种淋浴房、浴缸及浴室柜******套以上。企业技术力量雄厚,产品开发独具慧眼,针对现代人不断提高的家居需求,引进先进的技术和新工艺,提升产品质量,研制开发各种高档淋浴房、电脑蒸汽房、冲浪浴缸、不锈钢浴室柜等产品。产品色泽鲜亮,质地细腻优美,便于清洗 ,更具轻便新颖的独特品质。款式设计多样,产品远销世界各国及国内各大、中城市,可满足不同品味、不同层次的消费需求,公司产品环保节能,符合21世纪的消费要求,是现在及未来家庭,酒店,宾馆装修的最佳选择。企业不断开发国内外流行款式,新产品层出不穷,以更高层次的产品回报广大消费者的厚爱。公司品牌“法兰诺”是我们自主品牌,现已获地级著名商标,我们将以卓越的品质、优秀的服务来着力打造品牌,使我们的品牌走向世界,“优良品质,款款深情”,这是圣路易斯洁具为您竭诚服务的宗旨。 Jiaxing City St. Louis Sanitary Ware Co. Ltd.(Original: Pinghu City Mingzhu Sanitary Ware Factory) is a professional manufacturer of high-level sanitary equipment, founded in 1994, covers an area of the million square meters. With the rich technical force and discerning product development, the enterprise, according to the improving demand of modern man, introduces the advanced technology and process to guarantee the quality of the products and develops all kinds of high-level shower rooms, computer-control steam rooms, massage bathtubs and stainless steel bathroom cabinets. All the models are with the characteristic of bright color and delicate texture, which are easy to clean. With the varied design, our products are sold to all over the country, which can meet the different tastes and different levels of consumer’s demand. Our products are also environmental protection energy conservation, which is in line with the 21st century and be the best choice for the decoration of home and hotel for the present and the future. Now, we have developed more popular models both in domestic and overseas market, which are available to all consumers to purchase. We will do our favor to develop more high-level products to return the favor of consumers, as “Excellent Quality, leisurely affectionate” is the dedicated service objective of St. Louis Sanitary Ware Co. Ltd.