


10-18万/年 全职
嘉兴市 3年以上
大专 2024-05-10
带薪年假 年终奖 五险一金


外商独资|100 - 499人|液压系统及成套设备



Main Responsibilities主要工作职责:

1.根据需要,设计产品试验方案,准备试验工具、完成测试并提交报告preparing **** plan for the validation base on the application. Carry out the **** and preparing the **** report;

2.完成新老产品3D制图和工程图纸绘制,变更并执行图纸发布流程。3D model and drawing of old and new product create and release base on the process;

3.负责技术文件的管理和维护,新项目和新产品的导入工作。Control and update technical documents control, update. Responsible for introduction of new project and new product;

4.准确制作BOM表 Prepare BOM accurately;

5.新产品开发项目,及时跟踪项目进度,确保项目按时高效完成。Take the responsibility on R

6.与德国顾问的技术沟通。Work with German consulter to understand know-how, technologies and techniques;

7.上级安排的其他工作 Other tasks assigned by superior.

任职资格 Qualification:

1.机械类或流体类专业本科或以上学历Bachelor or higher degree of mechanics or fluid;

2. 三年以上液压系统及元件设计、安装、测试等相关工作经验At least 3 years related working experiences of hydraulic systems and components design, assembly and ****ing;

3. 具有资深技术背景,精通液压系统、元件等产品知识。有元件或系统开发经历者优先。With deep technical background; Familiar with hydraulic system, components etc; With the component development experience was preferred;

4.良好的团队精神、现场动手能力和独立工作能;了解产品开发流程,有项目管理经验者优先。Good team spirit, practical and independent working skills; understand the product develop process,with the experiance of project management was prefered;

5.熟练使用Auto-CAD,Solidworks;Pro/E等软件。具有FEA,Fluent,AMESim 等分析软件使用经历者优先。Proficient in using the softeware Auto-CAD,Solidworks;Pro/E and so on; With the capability to use the software FEA,Fluent,AMESim is preferred;

6.良好的英语(或德语)读写能力Good at reading and writing with English or German;

7.高度的工作责任心,钻研与敬业精神 With high responsibility,study and professional dedication.
